Answer by Jake for How can I add the 'Glow effect' to UIBarButtonItem?
You mean the effect you get when you touch an button? That is a property on an UIButton (also accessible from Interface Builder);@property(nonatomic) BOOL showsTouchWhenHighlightedSo...UIButton *button...
View ArticleAnswer by xxcv for How can I add the 'Glow effect' to UIBarButtonItem?
Have you tried- (id)initWithImage:(UIImage *)image style:(UIBarButtonItemStyle)style target:(id)target action:(SEL)actionas button style using UIBarButtonItemStylePlain
View ArticleHow can I add the 'Glow effect' to UIBarButtonItem?
I tried a lot to find out the glow effect for UIBarButtonItem. Now am doing by creating a UIButton and making it as the customView for the UIBarButton. Do anyone have any other methods to make it much...
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